What You Should Know Prior To Moving Into Your Rental

How to make a smooth transition.

1.5 min read

Moving can be a bittersweet task, one that causes excitement in some and frustration in others. 

Preparation is vital in making this new journey enjoyable. Luckily, we came up with a list of what you need to know before moving into your rental to help make the transition that much smoother.

Secure Tenant Insurance

Not only is having tenant insurance a good investment, but it may also be a mandatory requirement by your landlord to become a tenant. Tenant insurance covers anything from damages and losses of personal property within your rental, liability claims that may happen on your property, to living expenses caused by emergency incidents. Give yourself the peace of mind of knowing you’ve covered all of your bases.

Set Up Your Utilities

Depending on your rental, utilities may be included in your agreement. However, if this is not the case, make sure to contact the utility company to transfer these payments into your name. Always confirm with your landlord on what is and is not included to avoid unexpected costs.

Update Your Mailing Address

After sharing the whereabouts of your new pad with close family and friends, be sure to update your mailing address where necessary. This includes your banking institution, workplace, government Id’s and anywhere else you wish to receive mail. Doing this will ensure your mail shows up at the right doorstep.

Make It Feel Like Home

Now that you checked off each of the above tasks on your to-do list, you have one thing to look forward to- making your rental feel like home. Create personal touches throughout your space to make it feel more like you. Remember, always get written permission from your landlord for any significant changes you would like to make.

Although moving can be stressful, it is the start of a brand-new chapter of your life. Staying on top of what you need to do before moving into your new home will help get you settled in in no time. 


Manolas, K. (2021, April 30). What to do before moving into an apartment. Avail. Retrieved September 22, 2021, from https://www.avail.co/education/guides/a-tenants-guide-to-finding-an-apartment/what-to-do-before-moving-into-an-apartment.

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Westhaven Group oversees a collection of companies involved in managing and trading over 600,000 square feet of real estate across the City of Toronto and surrounding areas.

With multiple years of experience in the industry, our team works within residential and commercial spaces ensuring every aspect of real estate investment is covered.

Westhaven Group is a go-to source for all of your company needs.


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